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spend [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈspɛnd/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/spɛnd/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(spend) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'spend' (v): (⇒ conjugate)spendsv 3rd person singular spendingv pres p spentv past spentv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 spend [sth]⇒ vtr (disburse money) (金钱)SCSimplified Chinese 花钱, 花费, 用掉  The government is going to spend this money on projects.  政府要把这笔钱花在几个项目上。 spend [sth] vtr (effort: use) (精力)SCSimplified Chinese 花费, 消耗, 耗费  You shouldn't spend so much effort on his projects.  你不该在他的项目上花这么多精力。 spend [sth] vtr (pass time) (时间等)SCSimplified Chinese 消磨, 打发, 花, 用  I'm going to spend the day with my family.  我要用这一天的时间来陪陪家里人。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 spend n informal (money spent)SCSimplified Chinese 花销 huā xiāo   SCSimplified Chinese 开销 huā xiāo,kāi xiāo  His last big spend was on a tux. This year's spend on office supplies was twice that of last year.  今年在办公用品上的花销是去年的两倍。  他上一笔大开销是购买了一件燕尾服。 spend⇒ vi (spend money)SCSimplified Chinese 花钱,花销 huā qián,huā xiāo   SCSimplified Chinese 花时间 huā shí jiān  You should stop spending and start saving.  你应该停止花销,开始储蓄。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 spend a penny v expr UK, figurative, informal, euphemism (urinate, use toilet)SCSimplified Chinese 上厕所 shàng cè suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 上廁所   SCSimplified Chinese 上公厕  Please excuse me; I need to spend a penny. spend money vtr + n (use money, buy things)SCSimplified Chinese 消费 xiāo fèi TCTraditional Chinese 消費   SCSimplified Chinese 购物 xiāo fèi,gòu wù spend money on [sth] v expr (use money to buy)SCSimplified Chinese 在...上花钱,为...花钱   SCSimplified Chinese 花钱给...,花钱买... spend the night v expr (stay somewhere overnight)SCSimplified Chinese 过夜 guò yè spend time vtr + n (pass time)SCSimplified Chinese 消磨时光 xiāo mó shí guāng   SCSimplified Chinese 打发时间 xiāo mó shí guāng,dǎ fā shí jiān TCTraditional Chinese 打發時間  She often spends time at my house after school.  放学后,她经常来我家打发时间。 spend time doing [sth] v expr (devote time to doing)SCSimplified Chinese 花时间做  Parents are encouraged to spend time reading to their children.  我们鼓励父母应花时间读书给孩子听。 spend time with [sb] v expr (be in company of)SCSimplified Chinese 与…共度时光 yǔ gòng dù shí guāng  I love spending time with my family.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: spend [spɛnd] (pt, pp spent) vt 1 [+ money] 花费(費) huāfèi I spent a hundred pounds on clothes.我花了100英镑(鎊)买(買)衣服。 Wǒ huāle yībǎi yīngbàng mǎi yīfu. 2 [+ time, life] 度过(過) dùguò I have spent all my life in this town.我在这(這)个(個)镇(鎮)上度过(過)了一生。 Wǒ zài zhège zhèn shang dùguòle yīshēng. to spend time/energy on sth 在某事上花时(時)间(間)/精力 zài mǒushì shang huā shíjiān/jīnglì to spend time/energy doing sth 花时(時)间(間)/精力做某事 huā shíjiān/jīnglì zuò mǒushì to spend the night in a hotel在旅馆(館)度过(過)一晚 zài lǚguǎn dùguò yī wǎn 在这些条目还发现'spend': 在英文解释里: bleed dry - blow through - burn a hole in your pocket - dance the night away - doss - drop - estivate - expend - fart around - fritter - get close to nature - go over budget - hang out - invest - knock around - lash out - lay out - log - mix - Money doesn't grow on trees. - outlay - outspend - overspend - pay out - pay through the nose - penny-pinch - serve - shell out - shore leave - sleep - sleep over - spaff - spending money - splash out - splurge - spring - stay over - summer - talk away - tighten your belt - up-selling - visit with - weekend - while away - winter - wish away 中文: 度过 - 花 - 大手大脚 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Money terms, Irregular verbs, 更多……同义词: pay, pay out, shell out, fork out, splash out, 更多……习惯性搭配: spend your [money, savings], the [total, gross, net, average] spend, went and spent it (all) on [drugs, booze], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'spend' 的论坛讨论:

spend [time period] of my life ... spend one dollar to earn one point. - English Only forum ...are sufficient for my dad to spend... - English Only forum ''spend v+ing'' vs ''spend on + ving'' - English Only forum A fun city not just to spend out - English Only forum a question about spend - English Only forum a trip to spend a night - English Only forum accompany vs spend time with - English Only forum advertising spending vs advertising spend - English Only forum All I want to do is that I want to spend the whole day there - English Only forum All we need to do is spend a little time. - English Only forum allocate / spend [time] - English Only forum always willing to spend for you - English Only forum Americans are now able to spend more of their money on having fun - English Only forum Americans spend more than ...any other nation - English Only forum And I spend every day reconfiguring my senses - English Only forum Appliances spend or spending - English Only forum As it is, crabbers spend from two to four thousand dollars (as it is) - English Only forum as nightingales must spend - English Only forum As regular people with bank accounts spend money - English Only forum at the limit of what you decided you’d spend - English Only forum Be alone VS Spend time alone - English Only forum Be careful about what you spend your money on - English Only forum be to click... and to tap ..., not to spend... - English Only forum because I spend/have been spending - English Only forum Because the company had a reputable name, I did not spend sufficient time reading the details of the warranty. - English Only forum big account surplus...to spend down - English Only forum But don't spend too many hours in front of the computer ellipses(2) - English Only forum but the department won't spend the money - English Only forum but the department




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